Land for sale in Melbourne

Land for Sale in Melbourne – How zoning may impact you?

I am writing this blog to help my clients to understand more about Land Zonings & How land zoning can impact their future plans. Different kinds of Lands opportunities available when you are looking for Land for sale in Melbourne & Victoria!!

Victoria Planning Authority (VPA) which is strategic planning authority of state work with Local Councils and review urban growth boundary (UGB) which result in re-zoning of land from non-urban land into urban growth zone (UGZ) and create opportunity for Precinct Structure Plans (PSP). Then PSP process create further opportunities of re-zoning from UGZ to Residential, Industrial, Commercial (RIC). UGZ can be re-zoned & subdivide into multi zoning and RIC can be sub-divide further into General Residential Zone (GRZ), Industrial Zone 1 & 2 & 3, Commercial Zone 1 & 2, Mixed Use Zone (MUZ), Conservation Zone, Open Space, Wetland etc.

In most of instances when land is in non-urban boundary before re-zone into UGZ, parcels of land may belong to various zonings like Farming Zone (FZ), Green Wedge Zone (GWZ), Rural Living Zone (RLZ), Low Density Residential Zone (LDRZ), Rural Conservation Zone (RCZ) etc. When you are looking to invest into land & looking for Land for Sale in Melbourne & Victoria then It is very important for you to understand the exact zoning of land which you are buying and if it’s in PSP or re-zoning process then need to understand at which stage the PSP process is because it may impact the value of land.

We will be looking at all major zonings of land to understand it and also it will help you in making an informed decision when you will be looking Land for sale in Melbourne, Victoria.. Below are purposes of each zoning:

  • Farming Zone (FZ): To provide for the use of land for agriculture. To encourage the retention of productive agricultural land. To ensure that non-agricultural uses, including dwellings, do not adversely affect the use of land for agriculture. To encourage the retention of employment and population to support rural communities. To encourage use and development of land based on comprehensive and sustainable land management practices and infrastructure provision.


  • Green Wedge Zone (GWZ): To provide for the use of land for agriculture. To protect, conserve and enhance the biodiversity, natural resources, scenic landscapes and heritage values of the area. To ensure that use and development promotes sustainable land management practices and infrastructure provision. To protect, conserve and enhance the cultural heritage significance and the character of rural and scenic non-urban landscapes.


  • Rural Conservation Zone (RCZ): To protect and enhance the natural environment and natural processes for their historic, archaeological and scientific interest, landscape, faunal habitat and cultural values. To protect and enhance natural resources and the biodiversity of the area. To encourage development and use of land which is consistent with sustainable land management and land capability practices, and which takes into account the conservation values and environmental sensitivity of the locality. To provide for agricultural use consistent with the conservation of environmental and landscape values of the area. To conserve and enhance the cultural significance and character of open rural and scenic non-urban landscapes.


  • Rural Living Zone (RLZ): In this zoning, you can sub-divide up to 2 HA for residential use in a rural environment. To provide for agricultural land uses which do not adversely affect the amenity of surrounding land uses. To protect and enhance the natural resources, biodiversity and landscape and heritage values of the area. To encourage use and development of land based on comprehensive and sustainable land management practices and infrastructure provision.


  • Low Density Residential Zone (LDRZ): To provide for low-density residential development on lots which, in the absence of reticulated sewerage, can treat and retain all wastewater.


  • General Residential Zone (GRZ): To encourage development that respects the neighborhood character of the area. To encourage a diversity of housing types and housing growth particularly in locations offering good access to services and transport. To allow educational, recreational, religious, community and a limited range of other non-residential uses to serve local community needs in appropriate locations.


  • Industrial Zone (INZ): To provide for manufacturing industry, the storage and distribution of goods and associated uses in a manner which does not affect the safety and amenity of local communities. Its further segregated into three Zones: INZ 1, 2 & 3.


  • Commercial Zone (CZ): To create vibrant mixed use commercial centers for retail, office, business, entertainment and community uses. To provide for residential uses at densities complementary to the role and scale of the commercial center. Commercial Zone 2 offers commercial areas for offices, appropriate manufacturing and industries, bulky goods retailing, other retail uses, and associated business and commercial services.


  • Mixed Use Zone (MUZ): To provide for a range of residential, commercial, industrial and other uses which complement the mixed-use function of the locality. To provide for housing at higher densities. To encourage development that responds to the existing or preferred neighborhood character of the area.



To conclude:

Land zoning is very critical when you are looking to buy land for development into small lots sub-division, for land banking, to set up commercial business, to establish industrial warehouse, build house as lifestyle property or just to build a house in established area. Sometimes Zoning comes with overlays which can’t let you do what you are planning to do!!


Are you looking for Land for sale in Melbourne, Victoria?

RIC REALTY, a team of real estate professionals in Melbourne, Victoria can assist you in the end-to-end process of managing your real estate projects. Our expertise is in research & analysis. We provide advice to clients based on latest data & market research with references. We create value for both vendor & buyer with transactional services. We manage & facilitate the process of property development lifecycle from sourcing land to develop the land & convert it into a final product of House. If you need any help, then please contact Ajay Pal.